Sunday, November 22, 2015

My Promise to my Stylist...

My promise as a Stitch Fix customer:  (based on what I have seen elsewhere)

- The word "cozy" will never be used (or overused) on my blog, or in my notes to my stylist. It has been ruined for me by the Stitch Fix blogging army. No offense if you use(d) it. I'll pull out a thesaurus before I resort to such an overused, cliche word.  To me, it no longer has meaning. It has become the pumpkin latte of words to describe cool weather fashion. Just... No.

- I also will never say "I'm just not reaching for it" if I am trying to sell an item in one of the Facebook groups. Again, I prefer to use my own words instead of some trite, worn out phrase.

- I will not keep items I hate just for the sake of a discount.  I will not tell the algorithm that I like something that I do not because I understand that is a surefire way to get items exactly like it in the future.

- I WILL always be appreciative of the work my stylist puts into choosing pieces for me.  They will not always be spot on because she doesn't actually know me, my style or my personality and it is unrealistic to expect perfection.

- I will always be honest in my feedback both on my blog and privately to Stitch Fix. Being honest does not mean "be a bitch" about it though.  My feedback will always be polite, constructive and respectful.  This is likely the snottiest post I'll ever make regarding Stitch Fix. I've seen some really rude stuff from other bloggers with regards to stylists, clothing and the company in general.  If you don't like something, okay.  But to demean it and make public posts that might make another person that DOES like the item feel like shit for it, is immature and catty.  meow.  #keepitclassy

Now, hurry up and send my box!  :)

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